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<越南麵食>越式米粉湯 Bún Mộc

Bún Mộc, a vietnamese rice vermicelli served with pork meat and meatballs with pork broth. Despite being a pork festival, it’s actually quite light, and the thin rice noodles compliment the meat well. The soup is topped with fried shallots, scallions and fresh cilantro. Fresh vegetables, fish sauce and shrimp paste sauce are recommended to use with Bún Mộc. You can forget Pho for a meal and try the delicious flavourful bowl of Bún Mộc at Bun Moc Thanh Mai! Most tourists may haven’t heard of Bún Mộc, but it’s a nice counterpoint to the strong flavours of other vietnamese cuisines. Besides, it is a good starter dish if you are travelling with kids. 越南麵食博大精深,除了河粉以外,其實還有很多中文無法精準翻譯的庶民美味,有機會的話不妨先暫時忘了河粉,來試試看其他麵食吧!

這家位於濱城市場旁的越式米粉湯(Bún Mộc),在知名換錢所HA TAM珠寶店的巷子直走到底的轉角,每次經過總是人潮滿滿,營業時間從早上6:00到下午2:30。


Thanh Mai Bun Moc 菜單只有一種--豬肉米粉湯,2019年造訪,大碗65000越盾,小碗60000越盾(漲價不少呀!)。


另外,在越南吃麵食,店家都會附上一大盤生菜,可隨喜好加入麵中食用,清爽的湯頭搭配滿滿的生菜,健康營養滿分。 雖然大多數的遊客可能沒有聽過Bún Mộc,但Bún Mộc 和其他越南菜比起來,算是比較清淡的口味,適合初嘗越南菜的朋友,也因為湯頭清爽,帶小孩來也很適合喔!

<Quán Bún Mộc Thanh Mai>

🏠 地址:14 Trương Định, Phường Bến Thành, Quận 1, Hồ Chí Minh

☎️ 電話:028 3823 2885

⏰ 時間:6:00-14:30,每天

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